Hi everyone, I have a story for you and the only reason I am sharing is so this doesn't happen to you too.
Okay, I went grocery shopping tonight and bought so much food that I needed a hand taking all my food out to the car. (In comes the helper)
I finish paying and walk out with my arms full, while the 'helper' follows me pushing the cart, with all my food in it.
We chit chat, smile and talk. Arriving at my car I open the door and start loading the groceries inside. This 'helper' says...I really like your car. Is it standard!?
I reply with a friendly, YES.
Response: Aww, that sucks.
I say, "Can't drive standard, you'll learn some day!!!" :)
Response: Um...I am missing one arm! So, NO I won't.
I now spout off at the mouth with the first thing that came to mind....saying, OHHHH THAT SUCKS!
Can you believe that, Duhhhh that sucks! Fuck
DorkyT OUT